Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford Celebrates 8 Year Term

Ok - that's a bald-faced lie. One, I especially hope never comes true. Instead, Rob Ford was actually celebrating his first year in office with the announcement that he's kept his promises and is confident of popularity. Apparently (at least according to this cbc article) the people at Tim Horton's have been using that beautiful phrased Americanism, "stay the course", just because he's one fabulous guy! If he's so fab-u-lous, why was he missing from Toronto's pride parade this year? That's my favourite opportunity to be fabulous.

Kept his promises? So, yes, his bill to outsource garbage collection in West Toronto has been kept and in the process about 300 jobs will be lost. He also promised to "bring the house in order" (another one of those annoying catch phrases that lose all meaning after the second use) without cutting services. I'm more inclined to believe Councillor Adam Vaughn, when he says that "The one thing we know about this mayor is that every single city service ... everything with this mayor gets worse." Ford is cutting services and doesn't keep his promises.

His desire to cut spending is align with the vision of past Toronto Conservatives in power and has determined the chaos of the TTC, the quality of affordable housing, and the use of public spaces. Cutting sources of revenue such as the $60 vehicle registration fee and the Land Tax Transfer will not do wonders for the budget, neither will freezing income tax levels. John Loric's well-written article, How Toronto Lost Its Groove in the Walrus magazine details the history behind Toronto's current woes, and which Ford seems to be now exasperating. Loric also purports that cutting spending is exactly what Toronto should not be doing, if it is to be a world class city.

In order to compete on an international basis and continue to contribute significantly to Canada's GDP, Toronto needs to invest in its Transit system, regulate business, and regulate housing among other things.

Sad, but not really concrete proof of Rob Ford's inadequacies as a leader is his own out of touch relationship to Canadian culture. Instead of reading good Canadian authors such as Margaret Atwood, or watching such great "news" shows as This Hour has 22 minutes, he most likely spends his time on his speed boat in cottage country, wrecking precious Loon nesting habitat.

I wish next time Toronto goes to vote, we would all consider a party and a leader who would make life better here in the long term.

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